Post-Event Press Release 2011
Written by: Sonja T. du Plessis, 496 Words
Theresa & Ian Richardson, Ikhaya Le Themba, 021 557 4340,
For Immediate Release:
Ikhaya Le Themba hosted Benefit Dinner at Upper Eastside Hotel and raised R82 600 for the terminally ill
Ikhaya Le Themba held a ‘Benefit Dinner’, by means of an art auction on Saturday 15 October at 7pm, for local art lovers and those who have frequently linked arms with the organization.
The event which was held at the prestigious Upper Eastside Hotel in Woodstock, helped the non-profit organization to raise funds for numerous existing and future projects, in order to build strong communities in various townships.
During the 3 course dinner, 12 artworks from well-known South African artists including Vivian Campbell, Anthony Gadd, Leonie E. Brown, Melanie du Toit and Victor Geere and 5 ‘other items’ were auctioned off by Ish Hendricks, including a cigar humidifier with 7 Cuban Cigars, an autographed framed sweat band by famous tennis player Rodger Federer, a Formula 1 racing experience, a herb and salad pod and a photographic shoot were eagerly bid for.
A great surprise was the last artwork auctioned, painted by Leonie E. Brown, the art curator of the evening which produced the highest bid of R36 000. This raised the total dramatically and suddenly.
“’I just knew I needed to sponsor this piece”, said Leonie Brown. “The paint was still wet on my canvass when I brought it here, but I wanted to give something back to Ikhaya Le Themba for the amazing work they do in so many lives,” she concluded.
Leonie.e.Brown ARTist
The Master of Ceremony Quinton Rossi added, “Ikhaya Le Themba has provided over 25 000 meals with their own hands. Not only giving but also empowering, whilst sharing the unwavering love of God with sick people. They need all the help they can get.”
The founders Ian and Theresa Richardson were satisfied and deeply grateful. ”This amount exceeded our expectations and is the most we have raised at our Benefit Dinners,” Theresa said glowing.
The R82 600 will be used towards their Home Based Care unit which train ‘Carers’ to look after the terminally ill, including many HIV and TB patients in their homes. Other needs such as medical supplies, vegetable garden pods, soup kitchens, shack maintenance, support groups, orphans and vulnerable children, senior youth and skills development will also hopefully benefit from these funds.
This non-profitable organization dreams of creating a community drop in centre, a skills school and extending their help to many other communities outside Khayelitsha. Soon they will be launching a Home Based Care Programme in Du Noon.
Ikhaya Le Themba relies on donations to cover costs. If anyone from the public would like to make further donations, see banking details below:
Absa Bank
Acc holder: Ikhaya Le Themba
Branch: Plattekloof
Branch Code: 632-005
Account Number: 405 956 4613
Type: Cheque
For further information: Please Contact Theresa & Ian Richardson on 021- 557 4340