What they wanted the most

Abstract landscape Cold Wax painting titled 'Light Shines in the Darkness' by artist Leonie E. Brown, depicting warm earth tones, reds, blues, and oranges with the sun rising over a dark landscape.

Trevor and Laura are both ‘creative heart’ people in their own right. Trevor has been working in the clothing industry for many years and they both have a love for the arts, renovating and decorating.


Their stunning apartment shows their off their creative taste in style and also shows their support of local South African artists. 



The loft studio apartment with double volume windows shows off their collection of art to its best advantage. There is a Makiwa, a few Derric van Rensburg’s and of course, a previously purchased Leonie.e.Brown.



The previous painting was purchased via a local gallery and is proudly displayed above their fireplace. The vibrancy of the colours and movement immediately draws your attention. This work was part of Leonie’s earlier oeuvre and shows her love of colour and mark-making. the painting exudes a love for life in the use of vibrant reds and blues.


The couple lives and works locally and internationally. According to Laura, they have another Leonie.e.Brown painting at their house in Australia. 


Laura has been following Leonie’s artistic career for a few years and saw an opportunity to purchase another ‘heart‘ painting. 


Laura saw the painting advertised online by the artist and decided to purchase it. 

The painting is called ‘Light Shines in the Darkness’, and is part of the later encaustic inspired work by Leonie. 

What Is Encaustic?

Encaustic is a Greek word meaning “to heat or burn in” (enkaustikos). Heat is used throughout the process, from melting the wax and varnish to fusing the layers of wax. Encaustic consists of natural wax and resin (crystallized tree sap). The medium can be used alone for its transparency or adhesive qualities or used pigmented. Pigments may be added to the medium or purchased coloured with traditional artist pigments. The medium is melted and applied with a brush or any tool the artist wishes to create from. Each layer is then reheated to fuse it to the previous layer.

This specific painting was done in mixed media and Cold wax

What is Cold Wax?

Cold Wax Painting is a style of oil painting in which the artist mixes a soft wax medium into the paint and uses the thickened body of paint to create a heavily textured surface. Leonie ads various amounts of cold wax to the paint, and mix them with the palette knife. The mixture will look and feel like frosting. Mixtures with greater ratios of cold wax to paint will create more texture and translucency. 

After application, the wax can again be heated to create a ‘melted’ look. 

Art Lovers Insights:

“True strength lies in accepting my responsibility in being truthful, honest and vulnerable. Truth is seeking for the light, searching for the glimpse on the water. The truth is that darkness does not overcome the light, but the light shines brightest when it is dark.” Leonie.e.Brown Artist

Read more about Leonie’s Life Journey. 

…’The coffee in my cup has gone cold, but the heat emanating from my hands is enough to trick my mind into thinking that it’s still hot enough to drink. It’s the sheer intensity of the story that causes my palms to feel hot and sweaty”…

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